Local Control of Tobacco Laws Under Attack in Idaho Senate
One tool that has been very impactful for prevention efforts is local control. States where marijuana legalization has been exacted it is local control that has done anything to limit the impacts that legal marijuana has on a community. Last year most states in the country changed their state laws to match the new federal law that you would have to be 21 years of age or older to buy tobacco products. Idaho decided not to pass their law last year leaving Idaho with the age limit of 18 years of age.
Now it seems that Idaho legislators have introduced legislation that will limit the authority given to city councils and other local elected officials to make decisions to reduce youth access to tobacco products. If Senate Bill 1285 were to pass, cities, counties, and other local governments would no longer be able to pass ordinances restricting tobacco retailers from marketing products attractive to youth, like e-cigarettes and other tobacco and nicotine products, in close proximity to schools, playgrounds, parks, and other areas where youth gather. It would also mean your community could no longer pass an ordinance to restrict the sale of flavored e-cigarettes, even if it was supported by a majority, to reduce the targeted marketing of these products to our kids.
Vaping is the #1 substance our youth battle with and the folks at Drug and Alcohol Trends Education & Tall Cop show numerous ways that the tobacco and vape industry have developed products to help young people conceal their use of vape products.
SB 1285 will be heard on the floor of the State Senate to be voted on, as early as Tuesday, February 22nd. That is why we need your help now! We need people that care about reducing youth tobacco use to call their Senators and ask them to VOTE NO on SB 1285. Phone numbers are below as is language to use when you call, and of course your personal message is greatly appreciated! You can also use the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Action Alert [tobaccofreekids.org] to send a message to your Senator by email click here [tobaccofreekids.org].
Message to Senators:
Hi, My name is ______________. I am your constituent living in __________________. Please VOTE NO on Senate Bill 1285. SB 1285 explicitly prevents local governments from addressing the specific and unique needs of their own communities when regulating the sale of tobacco products or electronic smoking devices. Passing this bill will allow for e-cigarettes and other tobacco products to be directly marketed to youth near playgrounds, parks and schools with no ability for local elected officials to put any protections in place. Please help protect our kids and VOTE NO on SB 1285. Contact Information to call or email your Senator: (Click here if you need help determining your Legislative District) [legislature.idaho.gov] DistrictTitleFirst NameLast NameTownEmailStatehouse Phone (Only during session)
1. Senator Jim Wood ward Sagle jwoodward@senate.idaho.gov 332-1349
2. Senator Steve Vick Dalton Gardens sjvick@senate.idaho.gov 332-1345
3. Senator Peter Riggs Post Falls Riggs@senate.idaho.gov 332-1338
4. Senator Mary Souza Coeur d'Alene msouza@senate.idaho.gov 332-1322
5. Senator David Nelson Moscow dnelson@senate.idaho.gov 332-1405
6. Senator Robert Blair Lewiston rblair@senate.idaho.gov 332-1421
7. Senator Carl Crabtree Grangeville ccrabtree@senate.idaho.gov 332-1355
8. Senator Steven Thayn Emmett sthayn@senate.idaho.gov 332-1344
9. Senator Abby Lee Fruitland alee@senate.idaho.gov 332-1325
10. Senator Jim Rice Caldwell jrice@senate.idaho.gov 332-1423
11. Senator Patti Anne Lodge Caldwell palodge@senate.idaho.gov 332-1320
12. Senator Todd Lakey Nampa tlakey@senate.idaho.gov 332-1328
13. Senator Jeff C. Agen broad Nampa jagenbroad@senate.idaho.gov 332-1329
14. Senator Scott Grow Eagle sgrow@senate.idaho.gov 332-1334
15. Senator Fred Martin Boise fmartin@senate.idaho.gov 332-1407
16. Senator Grant Burgoyne Boise gburgoyne@senate.idaho.gov 332-1409
17. Senator Carrie Semmelroth Boise csemmelroth@senate.idaho.gov 332-1352
18. Senator Janie Ward-Engelking Boise jwardengelking@senate.idaho.gov 332-1425
19. Senator Melissa Wintrow Boise MWintrow@senate.idaho.gov 332-1339
20. Senator Chuck Winder Boise cwinder@senate.idaho.gov 332-1354
21. Senator Regina Bayer Meridian rbayer@senate.idaho.gov 332-1331
22. Senator Lori Den Hartog Meridian ldenhartog@senate.idaho.gov 332-1340
23. Senator Christy Zito Hammit CZito@senate.idaho.gov 332-1336
24. Senator Lee Heider Twin Falls lheider@senate.idaho.gov 332-1347
25. Senator Jim Patrick Twin Falls jpatrick@senate.idaho.gov 332-1318
26. Senator Michelle Stennett Ketchum mstennett@senate.idaho.gov 332-1353
27. Senator Kelly Anthon Burley kanthon@senate.idaho.gov 332-1327
28. Senator Jim Guthrie McCammon jguthrie@senate.idaho.gov 332-1348
29. Senator Mark Nye Pocatello mnye@senate.idaho.gov 332-1406
30. Senator Kevin Cook Idaho Falls KCook@senate.idaho.gov 332-1358
31. Senator Julie VanOrden Pingree jvanorden@senate.idaho.gov
32. Senator Mark Harris Soda Springs mharris@senate.idaho.gov 332-1429
33. Senator Dave Lent Idaho Falls dlent@senate.idaho.gov 332-1313
34. SenatorDougRicksRexburgDRicks@senate.idaho.gov332-1301
35. Senator Van Burtenshaw Terreton vburtenshaw@senate.idaho.gov 332-1342